Causes of Nasal Congestion and its management

 causes of  nasal congestion

Nasal Congestion is a blockage of nasal cavity due to a innumerable factors. The inner walls of nasal cavity become inflamed generally cause of swelled blood vessels which in turn create problems in breathing. There’re other common titles for this infection as well like "nasal blockage", "nasal obstruction", "blocked nose", "stuffy nose" & "plugged nose". Nasal congestion is characterized by stuffy nose, sinus ache and mucus build-up, inflamed nasal tissues.  Nasal congestion can also interfere with hearing, speech and sleep. It can also cause to extremely irritating snores. In children, nasal congestion from enlarged adenoids may cause "sleep apnea", hypoxia & in severe cases, right side heart failure could also emerge. Home therapies are mainly adequate to heal this and no extra medical attempt are required. But in case of chronic congestion, medication is important. 



nasal congestion causes

Nasal blockage can be caused by a variety of mild diseases like common cold, flu & sinus infections. All might cause inflammation of inner lining of nasal cavity. According to National Institute of Health, disease related congestion generally improves within one week. Other factors of long term congestion could be Allergies, Hay Fever, Nasal Polyps, Chronic Sinusitis, Influenza, Deviated, Septum, Concha Bulbosa, Chemical Exposure, Environmental Irritants, Gastro and esophageal Reflux Disease.

In matter of influenza & general cold, both these diseases cured on their own after their usual duration. Hence no further medicines are necessary in these diseases. However few medications could be followed to help in easing discomfort. Like paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin. When the congestion evolves due to an allergic reaction such as hay fever then "antihistamines" and decongestants could be followed as a potential treatment although care should be taken in case of tropical decongestants since rebound congestion may evolve.

nasal congestion causes

Now, the most common treatment could be directly apply nasal decongestants like Naphazoline, oxymetazone, oral pills like Sedafed and Bronkaid. Although care must be performed since nasal sprays may lead to "rebound" (Rhinitis Medicamentosa) and worsen then congestion if taken for more than a few days. If a baby is can’t able to breathe because of a plugged nose, a nasal aspirator could be useful to erase the mucus. The mucus may be thick & sticky, making it difficult to expel secrete from the nostril.

A patient can apply several therapy option for the treatment of nasal congestion like home remedies & medicines treatment. As I’ve already mentioned that nasal congestion could be comfortably treated by home remedies though, in some circumstance it could be healed by the anti-bacterial medications. 


 Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion


Vaporizer or Humidifier

1. Following a Vaporizer or Humidifier

Vaporizers are great for sinus congestions since the excess humidity via the humidifiers may provide immense ease and decongest the nasal cavity by adding moisture to the air that goes into your nose and breaks up the mucus causing relaxation. There’re 2 types of humidifiers, one is warm mist and the other is cold mist. Both could be pursued however for children it is commonly advised to follow cold mist since the other one might cause a little restlessness. 




Using A Neti Pot

2. Using A Neti Pot

This may look like a weird choice however it’s actually effectively influential. The nicest choice to remove nasal congestion is to clean your sinus portion. For this a Neti-Pot can be followed. It’s designed in such a way as to push water through the nasal cavity. They have also been pursued in India as traditional Ayurvedic medicament. To apply this, make a saline solution of warm water & pharmaceutical grade salt. Keep this in the pot and pour out the spout into one nostril by tilting your head on the other side. The solution will reach into your nasal passage and exit out through the other one into the sink. Repeat if needed.


3. Following Warm Compress

Hot compress may support break away the mucus expansion & as an outcome of that decongest the nasal cavity. Soaking the towel in moderately warm water & then application of it near the sinus part & forehead. The hotness can provide comfort from ache and relieve the inflammation within the nasal cavity. Repeat this as usual as needed.



4. Garlic

Garlic is the miraculous herb. It has extreme anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents that make it useful in treating a host of illnesses, including "congestion related to colds". A research performed in the United Kingdom explored that people who were given garlic for 12 weeks during the cold season had outstandingly lesser colds than those who did not receive it.  People who’ve aversion to its smell of taste can use garlic sauteed with vegetables. A certain cloves of garlic could be taken & put into a small pot along with a cup of water. Heat until steaming, & then mindfully inhale the garlic steam as and when required.


5. Holistic Herbs


A several herbs can be immensely effective in combating stuffy nose like menthol & eucalyptus oil. Menthol is found in inhaler balms & rubs for congestion. Menthol however doesn’t decrease the congestion, it only makes the nasal cavity extra sensitive, therefore giving the feeling of more air being passed through it. It is good for immediate short term ease though.

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